Saturday, 31 March 2012

Funny video for the start of the holidays! Youpi!

A friend sent me this funny video about two Newzealanders learning French... Spot how many words you know!

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Revision sheets

Revision sheets for the end of year assessments are now available on the END OF YEAR REVISION PAGE (on the right column) ... Something to look at during the Easter holidays!! :) :)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Year 5 game on the verbs: to have or to be??

Click here for larger version

Click on the link below to play the game, try to catch the bananas for the monkey!
JE SUIS un singe, J'AI une banane!!

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Preview of the Spanish Club Party Treat!

Does it look nice to you? Here is the recipe, all in Spanish of course!

Friday, 23 March 2012

La Meteo by the Year 4

French Weather Presentation

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Year 4 : the weather, la meteo

Challenge: this video has been made by some Swiss students learning French, there is a lot of new vocabulary for you to listen to!!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Year 6 : listening and reading comprehension

At what time does Marc get up in the morning? What does Marc like at school? What does he not like? What does he have for lunch? What does he do after school? At what time does he go to bed? Now watch the clip on daily routine!!

Year 6 : can't find that end of unit vocab sheet??

Here it is!! Year 6 unit 2 vocab

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Year 3 : speaking example for presentation on family

Here are some recordings made to help you with the pronunciation of your presentation! Good luck!
Voice Recorder >> Jacob:
Voice Recorder >> Max:
Voice Recorder >> Matteo:
Voice Recorder >> Seth:
Voice Recorder >> Sam:
Voice Recorder >> Nevzat:
Voice Recorder >> There are also many more recordings on the COMMENTS section. Well done Year 3 boys!!

Friday, 16 March 2012

Year 4 : the time

NOTE: quarter to is "moins le quart" in French, there is a slight mistake. Enjoy! By knowing your time, you can then describe your timetable, just like Marshall did below, well done! Horaire

Year 3 Ma Maison

Little challenge: can you try to find the room rhyming with the person's noun??

Year 5 La Fontaine script

Year 5 are now going to start learning their lines for the play! If by some unfortunate event (a hungry dog eats it), you lose your script, here is a copy you can download and print at home! LES FABLES DE LA FONTAINE
And here is the English translation: WORD OF WARNING: the translation might not be grammatically exact in English. It shows you that using google translate is not a good thing!! English translation of La Fontaine

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Year 4: Fido at school!

Find out what subjects Fido likes and dislikes at school!!
Can you find out what his favourite subject is??

Monday, 12 March 2012

Year 3 Boucle d'Or

Year 3 have been doing some work on Boucle d'Or et les Trois Ours, aka. Goldilocks and the Three Bears... Stay tuned for the recordings they made in class! In the meantime, a little cartoon... Boucle d

Year 6 clothes

Now try this game!

Asher's Pronouns Rap

Click on the Vocaroo link to listen:
Voice Recorder >> Can you now make a rap on the whole verb to be like this one? (this one is from Youtube)

Year 4 school subjects - Leo's confident recording!

Voice Recorder >>

Fido le chien introduces himself!

Voyage a Lille

On Saturday 23 June 2012! [youtube=] 

Welcome to the historical city of Lille!

The trip will involve:
 - a journey by Eurostar
 - a guided visit of Modern and Old Lille 
 - a visit to a French cafĂ© and lunch consisting of a filled baguette and a drink
 - a visit to the Palais des Beaux Art or the Tri Postal Museum 
- an opportunity for shopping where appropriate.

Here is a great website on Lille: website on Lille

La Maison...Feminine or Masculine??

Click here for larger version

La Prononciation... easy as pie!

If you would like to practise your pronunciation, here is a useful website:
Go to the virelangues section and listen to the pronunciation. Repeat one sentence at a time.

Also, if you are stuck with the pronunciation of certain words, type in the French text in the following website:, click on SPEAK and listen to the correct pronunciation and REPEAT IT!!

Bonne chance (and please don't end up like Joey!!)

Just remember, English is just as hard for French people!!

La Fontaine

Year 5 are now starting rehearsing for the play on La Fontaine.
This is what La Fontaine looked like...
Cool, non??


Bonjour et bienvenue!
Welcome to the new French blog! I hope you'll enjoy learning French here!
Miss C :)