Tuesday, 19 June 2012

French play: reviews by 5b

By Bora: "On the 12th June, 5B performed their French play. The play featured four fables presented to the King Louis XIV by La Fontaine (I was La Fontaine). Before the play, we were all nervous and were checking our costumes, props and make-up. When the audience of parents, Mr Douglas and Mr Underwood arrived, we were anxiously waiting backstage. When we were on stage, we forgot all our nerves and just enjoyed the moment. Except for a few technical difficulties, the whole thing went smoothly. The audience laughed at the funny bits, no-one forgot their lines and the acting was great. My parents and I enjoyed the play and I'm sure everyone else did as well."
By Jason:

By Joel and his mum: "I personally think the play went very well. The audience really enjoyed the play. You could easily tell by how much the audience laughed! You can also tell by how much I enjoyed it! Here is what my mum thought of the play seeing she was in the audience:
Both my husband and I thoroughly enjoyed the play. A lot of thought, planning and hard work by the teachers as well as the children. The choice of French songs helped set the mood. However the parents who do not speak French would not have appreciated just how wonderful the whole thing was. Obviously, the model was not too bad at either!!" (Joel's mum was asked to come on stage and be part of a catwalk!! How brave! :)

Nicholas on Joel's mum performance: "Joel's mum did the catwalk amazingly - she must have practised before!"

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